Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Where have I disappeared to?
 Sorry guys, I got sucked into the black hole that is a family Christmas.

But it's a wonderful, wonderful black hole. I swear....

First things first, "how was Christmas?" you ask...
Epic. As only a holiday centered around greed (and self-congratulation - I mean, giving) can be.

I got a hat from one of my students. And it's fantastic. I've worn it every day since Christmas eve (what? we have no self control as a family).

Lookin' seasonal in our hats

I also received some wonderful tea, and a tea cup (to replace one of the ones I smashed in the sink). The tea is now gone, but the cup survives.
And from the always fantastic COTH secret santa, I made a haul... She sent me five of the Melanie Travis mysteries (who doesn't love a poodle themed mystery?), a gift pack of Ben'smoms saddle soaps, a Christmas ornament and a wonderfully unique necklace featuring steampunk, poodles and dressage. Could it have been any better?

My sister gave me four sets of white pony wraps (for the next championships, obviously), my mom gave me some Doublin boots (which are fantastic).

Now, of course the Christmas tree must come down. The lights are turned off. And the New Year is right around the corner.

Oh, and I'm preparing to take three half-feral dressage ponies on a 2500 mile road trip as I relocate (temporarily!) to the Houston area. With three poodles in tow. In the dead of winter.
It's gonna be awesome. Stay tuned for that adventure....
Blanket liner? Check
Heavy weight blanket? Check
Embarrassing hood? Check
SubZero temps? Check Check Check


  1. Please stop in Fort Worth instead of Houston? K, thanks.

  2. I must see a picture of your necklace. I'm trying really hard to imagine how all three of those things fit together.
