Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Going for Gold: Step One

I don't even want to think how much this certificate cost....
This past weekend was the NWDA Summer Recognized show… which can only mean one thing. I loaded up and headed out, Bucastan in tow. Now, being the frugal soul that I am, I realized that while I’ve already qualified at fourth level and PSG, Bucky and I need practice in the ring together.

Because while the extended-trot-fly-around-the-warmup technique is entertaining and our scores have been quite respectable, I said screw it. Let’s go I-1. Now, there was really no reason that Bucky and I couldn’t do I-1. We’ve got the pirouettes, tempis, half-passes… Good to go.
And so we did. … What could be the problem?
I’m a klutz. A serious, total klutz with unfortunate timing.
Friday morning, Tempi woke me up with her you had better take me out otherwise you are going to have something clean up on your nice wool carpet whine. So up I got, and stumbled out of bed well before my alarm was supposed to go off. In my pre-coffee stupor, I didn’t bother to flip on the light as I made my way down the stairs.
About four steps from the bottom, I caught the step with my instep and folded my foot in half under me as I fell down the final few steps. I curled into the fetal position and pretended to die. After the shock wore off (or set in), and I was able to stand up again, I vet wrapped and Ibuprofen-ed up and packed all of my show gear, hay bales, saddle racks, feed, buckets, the whole nine yards. And off we went.
Look at all of those pretty colors...and they only got better!

Our debut into Intemediare I was not without it’s bumps.
I cried putting my boot over my poor swollen toe. I teared up while warming up at the posting trot. I forgot where the extended walk ended up (I miss the PSG) and had an off course then we spooked the horse in the ring next to us before our 2’s and had an miss count in our tempis. Evidently Bucky likes to try to intimidate other horses a la his warm up method. Whoops.

But it was a good enough effort to earn a healthy 63.5% to win the FEI TOC. Way to go, Bucky.
What? I won? But of course!

Sunday’s booting up attempt was even worse. I think I created new curse words. Unfortunately my trot work was slightly lackluster, as I attempted to ride an FEI test without using my right foot.
Much harder than it sounds.
And I really wouldn't recommend it. Seriously. Word to the wise: Don't break yourself before a horse show. 
On the plus side, our canter work was quite nice, which probably saved our test. The three tempis felt so nice, I even added a few extra changes.
Judges comment: Extra credit!
And Change-y Change-y!

But still knocked off a few points. Whoops.
We still earned a well-deserved 61.8% with plenty of room for easy improvement. 
First step to our gold medal: Check.

Just imagine if I could actually ride!