Tuesday, March 11, 2014

RC Rides Again

Whew! I know, I know... I am waaaaay behind on some of my posting. Or rather all of my posting. I mean, what else could I possibly have to do with all of this mild weather and a barn full of horses to work?
Oh, yeah.
Riding. Sorry peeps. Riding trumps all.

Anywhoo... Let's backtrack to late February. RC made his re-entry to the rodeo scene.

What, you say? Re-Entry? I thought he was a dressage horse???

Uh, yes. He is. And so much more.... As a bright eyed, bushy tailed two year old he made his first public outing in a parade, carrying a flag. Later that day he carried flags at the high school rodeo. His rodeo debut.

Now, he's back, carrying our neighbor's daughter... Let's call her L. L rode him in twice weekly practices for six weeks leading up to the three day event. L brushed, groomed, and glittered RC.
Look at all that glitter!

How I used to love the glitter!
24 horses and girls... and no meltdowns
 Now, for those of you who don't know... I was a member of the Katy Cowgirls for 9 years with RC's dam, Opie. Every year, the Katy Cowgirls carry flags at the beginning of the KISD Rodeo and Livestock Show each night. For those three nights, 24 girls get to show off their horses to all of their school friends, wear glitter and make-up (I was never a fan), and get asked to sign autographs and take pictures with little girls who wanted to grow up to be a Katy Cowgirl. Ah, the memories.
RC during the invocation
 Now, while I may have graduated and moved on, my dad is still a part of the group, running all the paperwork and such. In true Cowboy fashion, we have also lent a horse to a deserving horseless kid for the past ten years... First Opie, and now that she's gone, it's RC's turn to step up and shine.
RC at the edge of the pinwheel
 This years kid, L, has been riding less than a year.
RC running the flag between events
 She and RC had a blast together. I do believe that on either Thursday or Friday night, the pair ran flags (which means a sponsor flag or Texas flag) between 5 of the eight events of the rodeo.

The Katy Cowgirls before a sold out house
 It was an exhausting weekend, with late nights, early mornings, parades and carnival food. RC handled it like a champ... and even ran his first barrel race at a professional rodeo.
Watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed the video clip, why to go RC. Job well done to his rider.

    Donna D.
