Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You Know What They Say....

Be careful what you wish for.
That guy in the corner is just trying to stay out of the mud...
Yep. You see that correctly. Today it's 49 degrees (though the thermometer said 55 at the barn... and I believe it!). Now, I'm not complaining, per se.... I mean, I had the chance to break out my fabulous new breeches that my mom sent me and finally ride in leather tall boots for a change. I was able to ride with a window open and no jacket... It's been so long since any of that has been possible that I've nearly forgotten that not everyone rides in 8 layers every day. My horses worked up a good sweat, then I was able to fill a manure bucket with the hair that I pulled off of them. It was warm enough to pull Delights mane (again), and tempt me to bring out clippers to make RC look a little more presentable... 

Of course tomorrow is back in the 30's with Friday's high and low at 24 (never trust a weatherman who only gives one temperature for a day... You know he's lying). 

So why the remorse for over wishing for spring? 
One word: Mud. 
Where does all of that slushy melted snow go? No where. It turns my driveway into a mud pit, requiring 4 wheel drive to turn around. One warm day isn't the bringer of mud, doom and gloom, however, next week is supposed to be all in the upper forties. 

This is the actor's portrayal of my driveway after a few more days of this weather
Maybe, this means that all of the snow will melt away leaving my pastures high and dry for when the horses come home, right? I can only hope so...

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