Thursday, October 25, 2012

Indoor Day

Yeah... what I would give for an indoor (though, in all honesty, I probably would have given the horses today off anyway). This morning was icky. Pouring rain, lightening and thunder type icky....

I have a habit of lurking on the weather channel app, watching the weather and trying to plan my week accordingly. Which is why I wasted a perfectly nice day yesterday to go and get a load of sawdust to strip and rebed all three stalls instead of working any of the three horses. Now, all of the stalls needed to be stripped and I needed sawdust... the threat of severe storms in the following 24 hours spurred me into action when I might have otherwise waited til the weekend to restock. So I stripped my stalls and did my 80 mile drive to get a truck load of sawdust before work, then drove around the Kewenaw with my truckload of sawdust for a day before rebedding all stalls by flashlight last night.

But the horses had nice new fluffy bedding before the rain started, so it was worth it.

Dog Camp is hard....
 I woke up to a sheltie leaping on my head (why good morning Mr. Scott...) at the sound of rolling thunder in the distance. Both these thing were met with a strong desire to remain in bed by me and the poodles.
Inertia. It sucks...

But, I realized that horses were hungry, and I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep with Scott flailing around anyway, so up I got. Off to the barn in my snowflake PJ's, new barn coat (with the hood up) and bright yellow rubber boots... I was a sight, to be sure. Stylin' UP style...

The horses were, prediciably, glad to see me. After all, I am the bearer of food and yummy yummy treats. And (though I may be giving them too much credit) they seem to know when they have to work, and today was not that day. Today, instead of being fed, brushed and kicked outside... their stalls were cleaned while they were still in them (only Tilly attempted a minor escape, quickly thwarted by hay).
At least the weekend should be nice, right?
Feed, clean, water... rinse and repeat. Horse keeping in a nutshell, right?
At least I know that my horses are warm and dry today....

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